The return to conscious breathing

the universe

“Everything in the universe breathes, everything has a rhythm, everything contracts and expands, everything inhales and exhales”

the earth

"Possibly, The air we breathe today is the same that our ancestors breathed in different times and places…”


“The determining act of breathing for the first time is the act by which we incorporate the spirit into ourselves”


“The oxygen that we have brought in from the outside world through the respiratory circuit becomes part of the blood”


“ATP is the energy molecule for the life of living beings., and thanks to oxygen it can be synthesized and used for all the activities we do daily.”

the nervious system

“Breathing is magical because it communicates and integrates our entire body.”, in a way not only symbolic, but physical and real; and the channel for this integration is the nervous system"


“The body is our bridge to life, It is the support of mental processes, including emotions; and the most important process that sustains it is breathing.”

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Some dreams are very persistent, It seems that they came from before being born; most of the time we forget them, but they never forget us. And suddenly, despite our busyness, They return to memory with such intensity that they force us to make them come true.. The journey of the air: the return to conscious breathing y RelaxLab®, belong to that type of dreams.

RelaxLab®, is a laboratory of self-experience and self-discovery that, without coaching or psychotherapy, and without being based on a specific philosophical or religious current, offers personalized support from a multidisciplinary team of professionals and a series of technologies, both ancient and modern.. Its foundation is comprehensive stress management through experiences that seek to help us stabilize, heal and organize the mind, emotions and body, that is to say, to return to our natural state: to the state of ONE; and the first step to do this consists of recovering the natural breathing process.

Why is it vital to be aware that air is our main food?

We can last more than a month without eating, more than a week without drinking liquids, but JUST A FEW MINUTES without breathing!

That's why, Air and breathing are the main factors that guarantee our survival.. Oxygen is the primary food for our cells and is responsible for maintaining an optimal level of energy., so necessary to live healthily, intensity and joy. It is a supreme gift of creation, that has unimaginable power, and a channel of connection with ourselves in multiple and surprising aspects.

At the moment, in which our planet speaks to us more strongly about the importance and urgency of breathing increasingly better and more consciously, The journey of the air: the return to conscious breathing -from the first page, and in simple and didactic language- leads us to remember the value of air, to rediscover correct breathing and experience its healing benefits for the body, the mind, emotions and soul.


Rafael I. Silva Ariza, civil engineer and writer, He is the founder and director of RelaxLab®. From a very young age he has gone through numerous schools and philosophies of the East and the West., in the search for inner growth and the awakening of consciousness. In the development of his professional career he has managed to apply and integrate engineering knowledge with the knowledge of human well-being and spirituality..

Camila Garcia Ruiz, Colombian editorial designer, He is currently pursuing a master's degree in Artistic Studies, Literary and Cultural Studies at the Autonomous University of Madrid. His creative work consists of translating the story and emotional world of each project into something tangible., with its own language and aesthetic universe. Her search for inner growth led her to collaborate in the RelaxLab® project, of which it is part The journey of the air: the return to conscious breathing.

Breathe for:

In the second part of the book: “Traveler's Manual”, different breathing techniques are explained that are not a guide to learning to breathe, but a company to relearn to breathe.

A Good health

Getting used to correct breathing practices that guarantee excellent oxygenation is vital to providing us with optimal energy levels..


The vast majority of breathing practices that are carried out consciously help significantly lower stress levels..

Connect with Our Natural Rhythm

With certain breathing practices we can induce states of relaxation that allow us to connect with our natural rhythm..

The mind

When we achieve adequate oxygenation, We guarantee the brain the necessary fuel to develop its functions optimally.

The emotions

Every emotional pattern corresponds to a specific respiratory pattern.

Be in the Present Moment

Constantly, our mind is busy with worries and thoughts
automatics that generate tension and stress.

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